Tom Holliday
Actor, Voice Performer
Columbus, OH
In The Media
A Walk in the Woods -- "As Botvinnik, Tom Holliday is at once wily and wise, focused and distracted... That he does all this and still seems like someone you don't want to be across the negotiating table from because pretty soon you're giving up Florida... is a credit to his performance." Sheldon Gleisser Review
The Final Table -- "Tom Holliday earns chuckles and sympathy as Ohio’s own Harding, who is nicer than his scandal-plagued reputation suggests..." The Columbus Dispatch
What the Butler Saw -- "Tom Holliday plays a suburban London bobby, with just the right balance of plodding duty and polite deference to authority. His Sgt. Match has some hilarious moments and a bravura final save-the-day re-entrance and Holliday makes the most of them." The Columbus Dispatch
The Shorts Festival 2004 -- "Holliday excels as a fuddy-duddy in several of the shorts; his comic timing is outstanding." The Columbus Dispatch
All in the Timing -- "The finale, The Universal Language, is a genuine love story portrayed with amazing dexterity and emotional honesty by Holliday..." The Columbus Dispatch
Voice of the Net -- "...Holliday uses a similar “Let’s be reasonable” tone as Kelsick and, under a mask as Agamemnon, which reinforces that the people we desperately want to call outliers... are born and bathed in the same currents of dissatisfaction and entitlement as the people we paint as aspirational." Columbus Underground